Are you ready to finally get that website done and have something you can be proud of?

- Book your website build day
- Confirm your booking with a 50% deposit
- You will receive an email with a link to your personal google folder with all information that I will need for your build
- The pre-work must be done prior to your day otherwise we may need to rebook
- Pre-work includes images, copy, navigation, branding kit
This part must be completed before the project can begin.

Your Build Day
The day begins with a quick zoom call where we go through your pre-work and your vision for the site
During the day you can sit back and relax!
When I have finished building your site I will send you an email with the links to each of the pages for review and a video walk-through of the build
- Any edits will be actioned on the day or the following morning

Go Live!
Your site will be ready to GO LIVE!!